Cornerstone Covenants

The consolidated covenants are here

Common Covenant Questions


Some lots on the water may have iron fencing.
Please look at your covenants and submit an Architectural form before installing. 
The graphic to the left display the covenant requirements for the post (including installation) and fencing.

Architecture Review Committee (ARC) forms must be filled out and sent to the CHOA PRIOR to any construction, renovation, or replacement.
Doing this ensures the standards set forth in the covenants are maintained and that the consistency and integrity of our neighborhood is maintained.


There is a required mailbox in Cornerstone.

To purchase a new mailbox, contact:

Copper Sculptures
5230 Hwy 25
Flowood, MS 39232

The Cornerstone HOA & Board absolutely prohibits the use of ANY vehicle that is not street legal in Cornerstone such as golf carts, UTV’s, ATV’s…etc.
Cornerstone HOA and the Board will not be held liable for any damages to property or individuals.
Important Homeowner Numbers